A typical selection of stones representing
one week's share for an individual subscriber
in the CSA scheme
Community Stone Access is a newly adapted system for making available and utilizing surplus stones from farms and large agricultural properties . A CSA consists of a community of individuals who support their local farm operations where rocks from hardscrabble land is gathered and made available to regular stone customers/subscribers who share the risks and benefits of stone harvesting. CSAs usually consist of a system of weekly delivery or pick-up of stones & rocks, by supporters of the the 'rocks in a box' scheme
CSA generally focuses on the production of a high quantity stones and rocks for local community initiatives and private walling projects with a shared risk membership–marketing structure. This kind of stone farming requires a much greater involvement of consumers and other stoneholders than usual — resulting in a stronger waller-gatherer relationship. The core design includes developing a cohesive consumer group that is willing to fund a whole season’s budget upfront in order to get rocks that are harvested off the land each week and throughout the harvesting seasons (the spring being the most plentiful).
Typically CSA farms are small, independent, labor-intensive family farms. By providing a guaranteed source of gathered stone through prepaid sales, stone consumers essentially help finance farming operations that might not make it just selling vegetables. The cost of a share is usually competitively priced when compared to the same amount of stones sourced from a commercial stone supplier