Saturday, February 15, 2025

Reverse Stepnology

Looking at my footprints, backwards in the snow
Not worrying what's behind me, trusting where I go

Put my best foot backward, then stepping back again.
Judging where I'm going, by seeing where Ive been.

Get the body tuned to, travelling in reverse.
Purposely unwinding, things that last come first.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Paths We Carve

We get comfortable with the paths we've carved that we travel everyday. Sometimes it is time for a new path. Sometimes it is easier to use the path someone else carved out for you. And sometimes it is just easier to walk through less snow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Believe it or Not.

 In Canada, a well-built dry stone wall along a busy residential street can often act as a kind of 'aesthetic speed bump' and be a calming antithesis to the frenzy of traffic activity wizzing past. Where an ordinary speed bump only barely slows down traffic to a safe speed at the actual buMp, a good looking wall gives a visual signal, along its entire length, to slow down, inviting drivers to enjoy a safe drive, while keeping the car's suspension from getting wrecked, and also helping maintain a delightful suspension of disbelief.