Saturday, May 17, 2014

No Turret Syndrome Here!

Sunny Wieler is resting on the north cheek end of the fortification wall.
It's a bit difficult to describe how it has to be shaped and fitted together at this transition point.
The metal post is set in the wall to give the axis for the trammel . The limestone triangle faces make the circular shape of the turret prescribed by the trammel string line. The darker stones continue to form the corner cleverly riding up the side of the turret. The second stone from the top one is a big one as it has to be both a corner stone and also reveal small rounds left and right of the emerging turret. What makes it more difficult is this stone is extremely hard to shape and pitch. Sunny and Ken and Donna and Eric and Nick are doing nice really work here. (It should be noted that no noisy gas cut off saws or electric grinders are being brought on this project.)

Here is the northwest corner starting to take shape.

 Ok, there was some sawing done off site to produce these lovely turret triangles.