And especially why would anyone choose this alternative, built of modular concrete blocks only to have it fall down?
I am very curious about this. It certainly isnt a matter of cost. Is it that people don't know dry stone walling can be done, and that it lasts a long time, and that these dry laid walls have been around for thousands of years? Is it that Canadians don't understand that there are many intersting applications where dry laid stone would be a far better choice? Have they not seen enough dry stone examples in their travels to other countries, or thought about the many structural/aesthetic applications that are possible here in Canada. Maybe they have never been shown any good examples of dry stone work near them.
I suspect that the marketers of manufactured steel and concrete products have so permiated the landscape industry that people don't even consider a more natural, more traditional stone building method or feel they need to see any other alternative terracing or walling options. Or perhaps people are just waiting a few more years to see if that recently built beautiful dry laid wall they drive by everyday, is going to fall down, before they make the call and get someone to build them one on their property. Have they not seen enough leaning, cracked, fallen down, concrete walls yet to think about an alternative?
Or maybe within the modern human psyche there is a built in resistance to the whole concept of random stones sticking together on their own without some sort of manmade adhesive. People may actually be predisposed to disliking anything natural. If it can't be bought form Home Depot, Wall-mart or a local 'Cultured Stone' supply store, how could it possibly be a good product? The colours might not be consistent. They might fade. It might be the end of the batch. The sizes might be totally random and natural. Some stones might be too big looking and others with crazy markings might jump out at you. And as for having a dry stone arch or sculpture on your property, well thats just crazy. Wouldn't the money be better spent on a concrete fountain or huge armourstone water feature?