Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hands up all who are not in favour.

Except for councilor Fudge the town council in Port Hope voted unanimously in favour of not honouring Farley Mowat, by squashing a proposal supported by a growing movement of people (in Canada and around the world ) requesting that the name of the small residential street that leads to the dry stone boat built in his honour in 2006 be changed. (see Handmade Craft Percy street has only one house on it, and that resident is also in favour of the name change. Extensive research including delving into the town archives gave no definitive indication to who or what the present street name refers to.

A number of Farley supporters showed up at the council meeting last night hoping that the town would see fit to have the area in town where the boat roofed house is situated, have a little higher profile, by changing Percy Street to 'Farley Mowat Way'. The proposal which was put forward by local resident Stephen Smith and former town councilor John Moran, had been shelved many times in the past, however it was still hoped by many of us attending last night's meeting, that a favourable decision would be made, which would see internationally known author Farley Mowat, a long-time resident of Port Hope, 'recognized' for his contributions to Canada while he is still alive.