For millions of years, before humans, there were only a few ways for rocks to get around. With the aid of gravity they were restricted to fairly random migrations along rivers, or over longer cross-country routes traveling 'in the company of other stones', by way of glaciers. Most often stone 'movement' consisted of sliding down sides of hills and mountains with the help of normal types of erosion. In short, their movement was fairly restricted, particularily in any upward direction. Now and then, if one was lying close to a fault-line which was about to 'heave', a rock could catch the 'updraft' on what would then become the side of a cliff, to find themselves happily higher than the adjoining geological plate. Other than these forms of propulsion, stones moved imperceptibly slow for millions of years.
It was when humans came along that things really started to change. Especially when some of the smarter rocks discovered ways to get them to do what they wanted. Over time, more and more rocks learned the basics of 'humanipulation' and were not only able to travel more efficiently, but also found ways to have them 'do their building', and so create the entire realm of impressive stone structures that we see today. Around the world, a devoted strata of stone and bedrock developed a non-verbal 'litho-language' and so through history imparted their creative influence on men. Their strategy was simple - to be lifted up and to be stacked in meaningful arrangements where they could be fully appreciated - basically so that, for a few thousand years at least, they could attain the stature and respect they deserved.
The dance of repose.
The recumbent pause of we the inanimate.
Except for a brief ion of activity.
(For such a great mass, only insignificant rumblings, really)
Mostly stillness.
Except for placement,
For slight rearrangements,
The occasional pyramid, or great wall, or stone fortification.
Enough time to be shaped into cathedrals and bridges and complex cites of stone.
But before and then, after...
Mostly waiting.
"I say we catch the next torrential downpour, slide down that other side of the hill, over to that footpath there, and then get someone to pick us up. " said the Squire.
To be continued...