Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Visit to Amherst Island.

Sean and I spent the day at Amherst Island the site of last year's dry stone festival. We took photos of the stonework there. He commented that it was 'far from a complete disaster'. On the Adcock scale, this is praise indeed! 

We met up later with Jacob Murray and a lot of his friends and fellow islanders having a late solstice celebration at the western end of the island. Not that the solstice was late, but that it was a celebration one week later

Sean and I built five small stone arches on the flat multi-layered, rock shelved beach and one in the water. 

The stones magically snapped into place. It seemed like all the stones enjoyed having a chance to take on arch shapes, however briefly. 

There was great food and lots of happy excited  talk about the past festival and the one coming up in Perth Ontario this July. Sean has been invited to attend that festival.

Sean who is often quite dismal at most social events even admitted to having a good time yesterday .