Landscaper and Canadian dry stone waller Patrick Callon organized a dry stone walling demonstration at the London Home and Garden Show a couple of weeks ago. During the build his mother Carmen dropped by to encourage all of us as we stacked rocks into a unique 'moongate' shape. She is a delightful lady with a kind face and with lots of get up and go. I couldn't help but notice how she was getting around. The walker was a sturdy looking economically engineered walker designed and built in Sweden. She told me she liked having it but that she didn't need it all the time . I was intrigued by the name. Dolomite is apparently the leading manufacturer of walkers. Who knew?
Here is one of their sturdier looking 'rock 'models.

Coincidentally, we were actually building with quarried 'dolomite' that day and I wondered if Carmen's walker would be good for transporting rocks around. She graciously allowed me to try it out. It worked well. Then she wanted to try it.
The bottom line is that when (somewhere in the Futura?) I become old enough to be legally allowed to drive one, this aging waller is going to buy himself an official Dolomite walker for getting stones around, while hopefully not forgetting what it is I do with the stones when I've got them there!