Sunday, December 9, 2012

Callum Gray

Two days ago Jason Hoffman and I paid a visit on Callum Gray of Keltie Landscapes in Callander Scotland. He is a remarkably good dry stone waller, though he's way too humble to post much of his work on line. 

It was moving day when we arrived, and Callum and his wife Rachel were pleased to have some extra hands to help with the many boxes and furniture items that needed to be packed and moved to their new house. In the truck he and I discussed how a background in warehousing (which he had a bit of ) and furniture removal (of which I had some, way back when) is a great training ground for becoming good at fitting things tightly together in the least amount of space.

Choosing a career in building dry stone walls may not necessarily be the next step for someone who has already developed an strong ability to pack odd shapes together, but it's worth thinking with your hands about, and maybe giving it a try.

Anyhow, even with our combined walling and packing skills, Callum and I still couldn't find any way to fit the awkwardly large couch through their hall door into the living room. 

Here is an example of the kind of beautiful work you can find on the Keltie Landscapes website.

Maybe building walls and arches is easier than moving furniture. Who knows?