Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bridge Sign

I noticed this bridge sign as Norman Haddow and I were driving up to Glenn Lyon in Scotland. It seemed so simple, so unassuming yet I knew it marked yet another lovely old stone bridge that would have been very interesting to stop and inspect. We passed several such bridges along the way to Bridge of Balgie where we would be staying last week and working nearby repairing an old dry stane dyke.

The best bridge, of course, is this one which is the one that Norman visited with his family on vacation when he was just a little boy and eventually inspired him to build a similar bridge year's later .

While Norman has driven past the Glenn Lyon bridge, (viewing it from the other side of the river many times over the years) during his times working in the glen he had not actually crossed it for 40 years. 
Last week after a night of heavy rain and when the burn was high he and I visited it closer. We parked the car down river and actually crossed the river and hiked all the way around to take pictures and walk across it. It was significant moment in time for both of us . Normans bridges in Scotland and my bridges in Canada owe a lot to the Glenn Lyon Bridge.