Monday, October 18, 2010

Thoroughly Enjoyable

DSWA mastercraftsman Norman Haddow and I co-taught a two day course in Brockport NY together on Saturday and Sunday.The weather was great. We built 32 feet of traditional dry stone wall with eleven enthusiastic students. Norman wasn't sure we would finish it on time but we actually completed the wall, including the proper vertical copes, in enough time to clean up the site and re-stack five pallets of left over stone.

At one point yesterday when things were getting a bit hectic Norman said to me " We need to take some time to gather our thoughts and our throughs."

The two words are closer in spelling than in pronounciation, but we both got the spontaneous pun and laughed.

Here we are with all the students pretending to put on all the thoughs at the same time.

The throughs turned out to be lovely massive stones that stuck well out from the wall on both sides , and which Kathy, the kind lady who runs Sarah's Garden Center, will be able to place plants on and display flowers. The whole weekend was a great success. Everyone in the class said they had a 'thoroughly' enjoyable time.