Thinking with my hands, which has turned out to involve a higher level of commitment than I first realized, is nevertheless proving to be a rewarding experience. It is gratifying to have followers write to say they are enjoying the blog and that they find it funny and sometimes moving. Im glad to hear that it is reaching people and that I have 'touched' a chord with them. I like to think I am in my stride now, and that there is lots more to 'touch' on in the future months.
Continuing along the dilemma of 'one hit wonders' I thought it it would be wrong not to mention the appropriately titled and very touchy feely song that came out in the 80's that was one hit wonder Dan Hill's only big hit 'And sometimes when we touch'. This song struggled with the drawbacks of being truthful and questioned the merits of honesty.
The lyrics go on to say "That sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much."
This sentiment may have some meaning to it, but for what I suppose are pseudo poetic purposes, the theme of the song isn't developed very well. If there is too much honesty in touching someone then there is little hope for talking or any other form of communication including sign language, or for that matter song writing. And as far as there being such a thing as too much honesty, I think that theme is far better tackled in a very funny film I saw recently on a flight back from Britain called 'The Invention of Lying'. It is worth seeing.
No one honestly knows why Dan Hills rock hit about feelings and honesty did so well and yet he was never able to repeat his success.
Honesty in the 'rock industry' may be a dubious thing, but for me, working in the other 'rock' business, touching stones is probably the most satisfying thing about building dry stone walls. The honesty isn't too much at all, but it is sometimes profound. Stones are perhaps the most honest things I will ever run into. They have no pretensions and they have a dependability about them which is unequalled in the real world. With a rock, what you see is what you get. Because of their inherent 'reality' and reliability, many people almost intuitively sense the benefit there is to being around them or bringing them home. In some strange way it seems we have an primeval need to hold them and touch them. I dont think it would be a bad thing to have a bunch of bumper stickers made up that read 'Have you hugged a rock today'.