Don’t get me wrong, I admire what you’re doing,
But here, in this country, your frustration’s not worth pursuing.
Because Canada wasn’t all built from techniques brought from England
But rather France, Denmark, Spain and New Zealand.
Settlers from the Ukraine built walls made of sod,
And Vikings made walls to dry out their cod.
French fishermen built shanties to store their preserves,
And Acadians built dykes and farmed the reserves.
In the north the Inukshuks mark food and direction
And in the south dry stone walls kept our soldiers protected.
Loyalists from Kentucky, New York and Vermont
Built bridges so you could cross streams if you want.
In the woods there are sacred stone piles dressed with carvings,
And Scandinavian stone gardens kept silver miners from starving.
And along the highways in every province of this land
Atop rock cuts tiny wee stone sculptures stand
To remind us of travellers from far and from near
Who stacked a few stones just to say “I was here”.
There are sculptures and features uniquely Canadian
Not just British walls here so let’s stop these shenanigans
Part 3 tomorrow.