You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. Hands that do physical work are quick to give away their occupation. However, there are people that make a living telling you what your hands say about you. They are called psychics and they don't give this information away for free: you have to pay.
I, on the other hand, can tell you — for free — that these are the hands of Alan Ash, Master Stonemason. These appear to be hands that have just recently been used to help build the Japanese Ramparts in Ventura California. I perceive that they are hands of a professional mason who often works with a difficult-to-work-with Basalt material. There is evidence, even in his palms, that he does lovely structural retaining walls and installations in parks. His hands are well-trained and also very skilled, from years experience. I see a lifetime of walling in his future, and lots of dancing too.
It appears there is an impressive assortment of accreditations and papers that verify a quality of workmanship that anyone who knew about this sort of thing could see right away if they inspected any of the works of his hands. He has a website too which is www.thestonemason.com/
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, so I decided to feature Alan Ash on the blog with a picture of his weathered, rugged-looking hands. Happily, Alan doesn't look as creased as his hands.
I am wondering whether hand images like these are interesting to readers? I hope to have more of a show of hands about this in the future.
It occurs to me too, that fortune tellers and psychics could keep their overhead costs down if they practiced their business all online. Palm-reading becomes expensive if you have to rent a spooky house and decorate it with all the appropriate psychic para-normal-phernalia . They could more economically read people's palms by merely looking at photos sent to them by email and, for a fee, paid online through Pay Palm, tell them everything about their lives (perhaps by Googling them, first).