Folded hands and folded arms seem to be synonymous with contentment and satisfaction. Hands have a way of showing us they are happy. They go into repose, they snuggle into each other or around the body like a familiar pet. They have done their job for the day. The hands now are taking a little time off to just enjoy the closeness of other parts of the body.
Thinking with our hands means feeling with our brain. Feeling good about a day of hard work building things like walls and arches and stiles and terraces. Here is my friend John Scott leaning on an arch we built yesterday in California. He goes home tomorrow to a wintery Canadian climate where his hands find things to do inside like teaching his students masonry at Algonquin College in Perth. He shows them how to lay blocks and build chimneys and cut brick. But today his hands are thinking that working and relaxing in this warm west coast weather is pretty cool.