Anne Halliday grew up in rural Scotland on a farm near Dumfries and Galloway where there are "beautiful dykes of every shape, size and stone".
Walling (or drystane dyking as the Scots call it) was something she says she remembers always being around. However Anne says it wasn't until her adult life that she realised that it was something she really wanted to do.
"I am attracted to the artisan nature of walling and building with dry stone. Using something unadulterated and straight from the earth to create something beautiful, creative, practical and eternal is incredibly compelling for me."
"I think creating and building things is good for the soul. It's good for mine anyway ! "
Anne belongs to the West of Scotland Dry Stone Walling Association
In August 2014 Anne passed her Dry Stone Walling Level 2 Test
This summer she spent two weeks building a boundary wall near Castle Douglas, Threave Castle is a commanding stone ruins not far from where she grew up. She says upon reflection " It's no wonder that I feel so drawn to the craft! "
About a year ago she decided she wanted to build a bridge.
She went about learning the process and figuring out how to best go about it.
She then sourced out some beautiful local sandstone and spoke to the Westwood Hotel Golf and Country Club a large local establishment who said they were interested in it being located at their 18th hole.
She then sourced out some beautiful local sandstone and spoke to the Westwood Hotel Golf and Country Club a large local establishment who said they were interested in it being located at their 18th hole.
Anne wrote to sum up by saying "Once that was all sorted out, it was then time to begin"!!
It looks like she has indeed 'begun', and is doing a splendid job !
Anne's father came by recently to help out on the bridge for a day .
Anne can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/drystonewaller
I hope to post photos of the finished bridge when Anne has completed the project.