The grounds manager Steve Warn showed us around the U of T Hart House farm property to let us see the many features that make this property a perfect place to hold this years Rocktoberfest. There are several old quarries there which are filled with crystal clear spring water. This one (above) which has a dock and a sauna is where we gathered Friday for a bit of a group photo before the others arrived.
A section of another old quarry on the the property isn't filled with water and has an abundance of random sized 'slag stone', perfect for using during the festival for walling events.
There are several historic dry stone walls on the property. This is one that students will likely be rebuilding under careful supervision. There is even an old , very well built stone ruin on the property. We hope to restore it at some other season and add some dry stone component to it perhaps during next years 2012 Rocktoberfest.
And of course there are plenty of field stones lying around in piles all around the farm fields. These will be challenging to build with. We have a special project we have designed that will incorporate a lot of this stone. It's also good for balancing and making dry stone sculptures with.