Hands up, who enjoys dry stone walling! Hands up, if you cant think of a better way to spend January 2010. If you are enjoying the sunny California weather? If the food and the friendship and the teaching and the laughter and the scenery is about as good as it gets.
Yes the hands tell it all. The hands raised as a sign of surrender to a craft that has captured our imagination. As a gesture of helplessness, in our inability to think or talk about much else this last week here in Ventura. The hands are waving like flags in the sky and waving high above the surf and the sea of crashing waves we can see far down below us
"Look what we have been able to do! We silly humans. We insignificant temporary beings."
The hands know they are blessed, and that they have left a blessing, in the form of a stone rampart they have created for people to see for years and years to come.