Being creative isn't something you can just pick up, especially if you are not using your hands. Stonework is maybe easier to pick up, as a kind of transition to becoming more creative. As we place and fit stones in a wall our mind sometimes discovers solutions that it didn't imagine were there before. We are learning how to express ourselves, and this is the beginning of art. There are no perfect answers, but there are enough good solutions to be able to make a good wall. It is important to embrace this concept, instead of being intimidated by all the wrong choices. Don't let your mind tell you that it will never be good enough. Today I want to emphasize the idea of being willing to make mistakes, by encouraging everyone to risk failure. There is always someone out there is going to throw stones at your work, instead of helping you build with them. Creativity is a reward in itself and the feeling of accomplishment is well worth the effort, even if people (and even you) are in a hurry to question your credibility and your skill level.