Saturday, August 25, 2018

Rock Faces

Our hard working team headed up by Fergus Packman faced a challenging task of getting 63 meters of dry stone wall built in Glengarreff , County Cork, in 4 days. What a pleasure it was to work with such random chunks of gnarly sandstone. Mounds of rock jut out across the Irish landscape here in the south of Ireland, exposing magnificent striated patches of vertically bedded rock. I can see why Irish wallers would choose to lay the stone vertically. It's their natural inclination. 

Many thanks to Ken Curran and Mark Ricard and our enthusiastic client Jeremy Daily who kept the momentum up and got the job done with lots of laughs and tasty breaks ...oh and I guess we can't forget Bandit the hard working mason dog who took this week off and just ran around chasing sticks all day.