I asked Sunny Wieler if he could do a short summary of the engaging dry stone event he and many of the good people in the stone walling community attended last week Austria.

It was an event organised by Helmut Schieder from the Gartenbauschule Langenlois, a horticultural college in the dense wine region an hour from Vienna.
Sunny took some fantastic pictures.
Sunny writes...
"Helmut attended our Gathering of Stones event in Ireland in 2013 and invited a number of us from that event to instruct at his 'Stein & Wein' (Stone & Wine) festival at the horticultural college and nearby vineyard where he works.
There was five different builds on over four days, with groups of students from all over Europe rotating each day to a different wall.

Ken and myself were working on a traditional Irish 'Feidin' wall. 

Nick Aitken and Eddie Farrelly worked on a large double sided boulder wall.

Pat McAfee was on a wedge retaining wall.

Close by Sean Adcock was building a long Clawdd.
In the nearby vineyard of Heiligenstein,Rainer Vogler instructed students in building the local traditional retaining walls.
It was a hugely successful event, and quite unique in that students got an opportunity to work on such a variety of projects over just one week. 

It was also great to visit some of the great wine makers of the region and getting to sample many of their wines"
Thanks Sunny.
Thanks Sunny.