Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A new workshop being offered at Kingsmere (near Ottawa) in August


Since 2008 I have been instructing walling workshops at the Mackenzie King Estate near Chelsea Quebec. This August there will be another hands-on two-day seminar for beginners and others who want to keep their walling skills honed.


We will be rebuilding a section of wall that was commissioned to be built on this beautiful property many years ago by former Prime Minister of Canada, Mackenzie King. 

Here is a section participants repaired in 2011

kingsmere 2010 lifting big stone

Here is one being rebuilt in 2010.

finished kingsmere 2010

That same section - fully restored.

kingsmere walls to be repaired

Here is one of the original older Kingsmere walls (near the famous tea house) still in need of much repair and love

Dry Stone Walling Across Canada gourmet lunches delivered both days to these Kingsmere workshops are always fresh and delicious (and all part of the workshop package) 

Some more original walls lining both sides of the road on the NCC property known as the Kingsmere Farm.


Another recent repair adjoining a wide ribbon of stones to the left that still needs restoring.

Anyone wanting to register for this special Aug 17-18 course please contact 

See Our Fourth DSWAC Restoration Workshop for more details.