Sometimes rocks look like food - a melon perhaps , a loaf of bread, eggs, candies, chocolate or popcorn.
We need the inner nourishment of stone. For those of us who love stones and rocks, it's not something we can do without. Thankfully there is usually enough produce along the road side that we can get our fill. Sometimes it's a pick your own operation. Our eyes may often be bigger than our vehicles, though.
Quarries are like big rock grocery stores. We can pickup all kinds of 'produce' there and bring it fresh to our garden. I've always said that a garden without stones is like a BLT with out the bacon.
Unlike food, stones are always in season and never go off. They never over-ripen or become soggy. Leftovers are always useful and often worth keeping around indefinitely until you can use them with other grains and scraps, in some sort of dry stone combo.
Mushrooms are my favourite. They pop up everywhere, and look good to eat even in winter. They're best on top of walls. The thing is, none of these rock/foods will make you sick. You can't make a mistake.You can always identifying it's a 'rock' even if you don't know what type it is. And really, if you think about it, they are all magical!