Thursday, June 10, 2010

Staying in Touch

Amina and Gary had this lovely wall built on their property near Valentyne Ontario Canada in the summer of 2006 during a dry stone wall workshop run by the DSWAC. I can't find the original picture I took of them in that position just after that event, but I visited them last week, 4 years later, and had them pose in the very place they posed back then, sitting on the traditional stile we made in the wall. They look so happy with their new rounded granite dry stone wall. It's great to still see them and the wall looking so good. They are obviously still proud of their 'baby'.

It is always nice to keep in 'touch' with the walls I have been involved in making. Unfortunately it is fairly common not to hear back from the people who we have built walls for and I suppose this is quite understandable but it still is a little sad. For me it's a bit like leaving a baby on the doorstep. The various dry stone features we build are often quite stunning and I know the people are very satisfied with the new 'additions' to their family, but they seldom think about 'staying in touch' or sending pictures, as the wall gets older.

Fortunately Gary and Amina said we could come back any time and take more pictures.