Friday, March 7, 2014

Draw a stone

Eka is a young man of marrying age within the lost tribe of the Milcarnicans. He and Nikku, the daughter of the tribe’s Chief, are in love and go to the Chief to request permission to marry. The Chief gives Eka 5 blue stones, 5 green stones and two bowls. Out of sight of Nikku, Eka must divide the stones between the two bowls anyway he chooses. A blindfolded Nikku must then draw a stone from one of the two bowls. If she draws a blue stone then the couple will have the Chief’s blessing to marry, but if the stone is green then the union will be forbidden (green being the color of the evil serpent spirit, Balcan).
How should Eka divide the stones between the bowls to give Nikku the greatest chance of drawing out a blue stone?